Monday, June 29, 2009

Update: “Cap & Trade” Bill Passes the House of Representatives

The American Clean Energy and Security Act (HR 2454) (2009) narrowly passed on Friday night. The final vote tally was 219 – 212. The bill will now go to the Senate for debate and an eventual vote. As of right now, the legislation does not have enough support to pass. This presents an opportunity for everyone to call, mail, or email their respective Senators and urge them to stand firmly against this economically destructive silent tax. (You can find your Senators here:

It is important to note that 8 Republicans broke ranks and voted in favor of this law. Since this bill only passed by 7 votes, you can see how disastrous this was. If any of these individuals represent you, please voice your opinion and let them know how unhappy you are that they voted for this monstrosity. They are:

- Bono Mack (CA)
- Castle (DE)
- Kirk (IL)
- Lance (NJ)
- LoBiondo (NJ)
- McHugh (NY)
- Reichert (WA)
- Smith (NJ)

I also think it is important to inform you that 44 Democrats voted against ACES. If any of these individuals represent your Congressional district, please let them know that you are pleased with their good judgment on this topic. The representatives are:

-Altmire (PA) -Arcuri (NY) -Barrow (GA)
-Berry (AR) -Boren (OK) -Bright (AL)
-Carney (PA) -Childers (MS) -Costa (CA)
-Costello (IL) -Dahlkemper (PA) -Davis (AL)
-Davis (TN) -DeFazio (OR) -Donnelly (IN)
-Edwards (TX) -Ellsworth (IN) -Foster (IL)
-Griffith (AL) -Herseth Sandlin (SD) -Holden (PA)
-Kirkpatrick (AZ) -Kissell (NC) -Kucinich (OH)
-Marshall (GA) -Massa (NY) -Matheson (UT)
-McIntyre (NC) -Melancon (LA) -Minnick (ID)
-Mitchell (AZ) -Mollohan (WV) -Nye (VA)
-Ortiz (TX) -Pomeroy (ND) -Rahall (WV)
-Rodriguez (TX) -Ross (AK) -Salazar (CO)
-Stark (CA) -Tanner (TN) -Taylor (MS)
-Visclosky (IN) -Wilson (OH)

We still have an opportunity to demand that our voices be heard; please do not let this chance to defeat a poorly reasoned and written bill pass without voicing your concerns.

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