Thursday, July 30, 2009

Logic v. Emotion

It occurs to me that far too often serious debates on social, political, and economic policy divulge into a morass that does little good for the American people. What we need is intelligent debate on the facts to enlighten the public and those voting on their behalf. It is my desire that all sides to an issue bring facts, comprehension of them, and logic to the table. However, far too often it appears that emotion replaces rationale for one, or both, sides. The healthcare debate is a shining example of this. Too many people revert to emotional retorts and lose credibility on a complicated subject.

If you are interested in seeing an example of this, compare the following articles. One written by a prominent conservative and the other written by a Nobel prize winning liberal. Who do you think presents the stronger case?


  1. This administration's rapid fire approach to legislation and media alike creates a such a shitstorm of sensory overload, that anyone trying to analyse it, much less the general ignorant public, can barely keep up with the agendas and of course the potentially dire details.

    The Health Care reform is such a bellwether of Obama's because it's one of the few flagship talking points that hasn't been pushed out in a day or so by seven more new Obama talking points.

    This is nothing but politics and Krauthammer nailed it to the core.

  2. Read both articles, amazing how the 2nd article portrays things and blames it all on the evil Bush......
    I found the 1st article very interesting, the mention of tort reform wasn't that also on some of the campaing agenda's? This whole health care plan terrifies me.
