Wednesday, July 15, 2009

ObamaCare: The Flowchart

The Republicans in the House of Representatives have put together an organizational chart depicting health care coverage and treatment under the Obama-Democrat plan. You can find it here:

Take a moment to look at this. Once your eyes uncross, ask yourself a few questions.

- Why are the Physicians and Consumers so far apart?
- Where are all of the people advocating that medical decisions be decided by a patient with the advice and consent of the doctor?
- How is a process with this many moving parts going to provide quality health care?
- How can something so large and bureaucratic cut costs?
- If overall costs can possibly be cut, is it more likely that the cuts will hurt the administrative agencies or the Physicians/Consumers? (Look to history for examples, i.e. Veterans Hospitals)
- Where are all of the non-government parties? And is there even room for them? (remember that we are told repeatedly that we can keep our insurance)
- Why does the American public need this many people weighing in on their medical treatment?
- If we do need this many inputs, how have we survived over 230 years without them while providing the best healthcare on the planet?
- Can pharmaceutical companies actually get new medicines and medical devices (possibly life saving or life altering) approved by all of these bureaucracies and added to the system?
- If the pharmaceutical companies can get innovation into this stream of government morass, will the cost be so prohibitive as to prevent new advances in medicine? (If so, will you be happy with 2009 level medical treatment for perpetuity?)
- How can cost cutting come primarily from preventing waste and fraud (as Senator Chris Dodd and President Barack Obama have suggested) when there are dozens of agencies that can commit those exact acts?
- Why is the Department of Defense on the chart?
- How many "advisory panels" do we need? Isn't overlap an example of waste?
- Do we really need three different agencies to monitor identity politics and race (Office of Civil Rights, Office of Minority Health, Cultural and Linguistic Competence Training)? Is this redundancy not waste?
- What does a federal mandate for websites do to improve healthcare?

There are dozens more questions that can be asked. With this much uncertainty on a healthcare plan that will only get larger and more complex, you have to ask yourself if it is actually going to benefit you, and/or society in general, and whether it is financially viable. If the answer to any of these questions is no, then how do you justify such a plan?

1 comment:

  1. Is the reason this is so confusing and complex to keep the public from figuring out this is just more of the "smoke and mirrors" that is leading us to a socialist regime? I too do not understand why the department of defense is on this chart, will we have the military dictating when and how we seek medical help or advice? Just how many people will actually benefit from this government control? How will this not bankrupt our system even more? Why are there so many levels involved and what happens when our states start adding their requirements to this ridiculous chart? Where are the senior citizens who fought for a change now going to go to get their medical benefits when it is determined by this administration that they have lived long enough and they do not need any more health care that it is time for them to just go ahead and die? How will the parents standing at their childs bed deal with being told by the medical personnel "sorry but the odds for survival are not worth the cost, so you need to tell your child goodbye because we are going to let them die"? What is wrong with the American people that they are not showing their outrage and demanding this to stop before it is too late?
